How We Serve



CCMA is envisioned as a continuously developing network of relationships that includes broader and deeper participation by congregations, ministers, and laity in congregational clusters, learning communities and shared missions and ministries.


CCMA’s mission is to resource and support congregations, individually and collectively, as they seek to be more faithful, effective, and sustainable in the mission to which God calls us.


In keeping with Ephesians 4:11-12, CCMA also affirms the core values of true community (mutual support and accountability), deep Christian spirituality, and a passion for justice.

Each Co-Regional Minister serves in his/her assigned part of the Region in the following ways:

  • Serves as pastor for the clergy and their families

  • Relates to the congregations and facilitates the search and call process for them

  • Attends clergy cluster meetings

  • Supports the Ordination Nurture Teams and the Commissioned Minister Team, and attends the Regional Commission on the Order of Ministry meetings

  • Conducts ordinations and installations of ministers

  • Facilitates our ecumenical/interfaith relationships

  • Liaison to our Disciples/UCC schools and General Church ministries

  • Visioning for the Region

  • Other Regional Ministries and their coordinating staff person are outlined here>