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Disciples Women Gathering

Our next Bible study for March is the last one in the 2023 Just Women Bible Study, titled Learning to Let Go, from Isaiah chapter 43:18-19 is by Rev. Tanya Lopez

Questions for consideration:

  1. What are some of the " things that were " that we might have to grieve in our lives today? 

  2. How can you hold space for yourself as feelings come up in your grieving of these " things "? 

  3. What examples can you name of times in your life in which God made a way during a time of crisis or deep need.

  4. How can you begin the process of " releasing the grip " on things of the past in your life today?

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Meeting ID: 881 2374 8611
Passcode: 290238

Earlier Event: March 21
Boundary Training
Later Event: March 24
Easter Special Offering