FISH 153 in Higginsville

On Thursday, Thursday, December 8, a few members of FISH 153 braved the cold temperatures to carol at the Higginsville, MO Wal-Mart to raise money for the Higginsville Heat and Hunger Fund. FISH 153 (Fellowship In Serving Him) is an ecumenical, missional community that is connected with Central Christian Church in Higginsville.

In 2011, FISH 153 began as a worship community in collaboration with several local churches with Central Christian and the local United Church of Christ serving as the primary conveners of the group. It soon became apparent that the community was to be more than simply an alternative to worship. Instead, the founding members of FISH 153 felt God’s leading to be more directly involved in the life of the local community. Leaders began to envision a community of followers of Christ who sought to serve the surrounding area in very real ways and be a place of unconditional welcome and inclusivity.

Today, FISH 153 consists of people from several churches, including Central Christian Church as well as people who have no “conventional” church home but view FISH 153 as their religious community. Each month FISH 153 meets for teaching and worship, engages in an intentional mission event, and hosts a free community meal. The mission events include everything from BINGO at the local nursing home, helping at the community clothes closet, and just recently providing over 300 cookies and decorating supplies for a Breakfast with Santa event as well as working directly with children and adults to help decorate cookies to give as gifts.  Last month, FISH 153 hosted a family-style community Thanksgiving meal and served over 50 people.

What makes FISH 153 so unique is it’s fluidity in leadership and location that allows it to address needs almost immediately with very little cost and organization. With no permanent place of meeting, FISH 153 relies on text messaging and social media to share its events and where it meets. With this, it means that all donations given to this missional community go directly to providing food and assistance in the surrounding area.

For more information about FISH 153, visit

Story and photo courtesy of Rev. Matt Limback, Pastor of Central CC.