Reconciliation Grants Awarded

This year's Spring Reconciliation Grants have been awarded to First Christian Church in St. Joseph and Isaiah 58 Ministries.

First Christian Church in St. Joseph will convene and host a series of community conversations under the name “All Voices St. Joe”. These will be designed to reach populations - and specifically minority populations -- that aren’t being reached by city-sponsored efforts like the 2040 visioning process. Then we would bring the thoughts and ideas expressed into other political channels, including the visioning process. In these conversations we would be using well-tested dialogue structures like the World Cafe or Conversation Cafes to promote connection, interaction and deep engagement.

Isaiah 58 Ministries is hosting its 2nd Annual Juneteenth Celebration this year. It is an event that brings individuals and families from all walks of life together for a day of food, fun, and education. It is important to provide safe space for the community to celebrate the day alongside people they know and trust. This is also an opportunity to bring in artists whose voices are too often silenced, so that they may share their talent. All of the activities work to unite the community across racial and socio-economic divides, celebrating the human race and combating policies and attitudes that seek to divide us.

These grants are made possible through our Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation Justice Ministries. Team members invite and assess applications semi-annually. Grants are funded primarily through the Reconciliation Special Offering.

Applications for next cycle are due August 1. Learn more>