Frankford First Christian Church Monthly Missions

Throughout the month of December, the members and friends of Frankford First Christian Church collected 5,042 diapers for the Pike County Diaper Bank. This set a new record for most diapers that the congregation has collected for the diaper bank!

The Pike County Health Department hosts the diaper bank, and the staff at the health department distribute the diapers to low-income families. Since its inception in 2015, the diaper bank has provided more than 30,000 diapers to families in need. Learn more about this project here>

In January, the congregation collected more than 340 toiletry items for AVENUES in nearby Hannibal. The items that were donated ranged from tubes of chapstick to toothbrushes and shampoo and conditioner. AVENUES is a shelter for domestic and sexual violence victims and provides services in 11 Northeast Missouri counties. Learn more about this project here>

For February they are filling Valentine’s Day Boxes of Goodies for their homebound friends and those living in nursing homes!

Thank you to FCC’s Ethan Colbert for
this information and photos.