Reconciliation Grants Available

We are all aware of the fact that Racism exists. Technology has finally made it impossible to deny. We have seen it with our own eyes, no more doubt that people of color are treated differently.

Church, we need to stop being silent, sitting on the sidelines watching our brothers and sisters face injustice day after day.

Racism is a sin that hurts everyone, the targets of injustice, those acting unjustly, and those who just let it continue by inaction.  It is a learned attitude and a system of privilege that stacks the deck against some women, men and children, making life much more difficult than it has to be.  The Gospel compels us to actively care for those who are marginalized, oppressed, and are in positions of little power in the system. 

All over Mid America Region our congregations are asking – WHAT CAN WE DO?

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Mid-America supports projects sponsored or co-sponsored by Disciples congregations that address root causes of racism and foster reconciliation. We support you with prayer, and with resources including reconciliation project grants.

We have a brochure with information about Reconciliation Ministries, recent projects in Mid-America, and how to make contact.  You can find the application form and application scoring guide used to prioritize grants as well as worship bulletin inserts that can be customized to get Reconciliation project ideas from your worshiping community. All these documents are available for download here.

Dismantling racism can seem an insurmountable task but even small projects that develop positive relationships can make a big impact. Not sitting idly by can spark the interest of youth and younger adults, teach our children, and send a message to our communities that we follow Christ who said to love one another and show special care for those who need it most, the powerless, the abused, the ones whose lives don’t seem to matter. 

If you have an idea, apply for funding.

Remember, half of the money raised each year in the fall Reconciliation offering comes right back to our region for these grants, so give generously. 

Commission on Mission and Unity,Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Mid-America