FCC in Jefferson City Awarded Vital Worship Grant

The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship at Calvin College has awarded First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Jefferson City a Vital Worship Grant for 2017-2018. The grant will provide resources to the congregation for equipping leaders in the proclaiming of scripture, giving of testimony, singing of music, celebrating communion, and offering of prayer all in the context of worship.

“Worship is about turning away from ourselves and towards God,” said Rev. Beau Underwood, senior minister of the church. “This generous grant allows us to focus on the ways we collectively look to God in praise and prayer, in word and song, in reflection and celebration.”

Christian leaders in each of these areas will be invited to preach and teach at First Christian over the life of the grant. Church members will then be encouraged to use what they learn from the speakers to enhance the worship life of the congregation.

“We are excited to learn from leaders who devote their lives and their ministry to helping Christians offer worship that glorifies God,” added Sherry Jordan, worship committee chair at First Christian. “These speakers will be a rich blessing to our congregation.”

The award is one of 33 grants made this year by the Institute. The grants program aims to help Christian communities connect public worship to the formation of faith and the deepening of discipleship.

Kathy Smith, the director of the Vital Worship Grants Program, said “These collaborative projects bring people together to study, plan and create, foster new learning and nourish intergenerational community in worship.”

First Christian Church plans to share more details once speakers are confirmed in the hopes that others in the community might also attend and benefit from the wisdom they will share.

Congratulations to the church and thanks to
Beau Underwood for sharing this press release.