The Universal Christ: Another Name for Every Thing

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Last week three dozen Disciples, members of the United Church of Christ, and a community group called The Mystic Misfits found a home at Southwood UCC in Raytown to enjoy a phenomenal conference featuring Richard Rohr, John Dominic Crossan, Jacqui Lewis, and artist Janet McKenzie.  Participants viewed the live conference from New Mexico via livestream.  With the planners' own parallel Council Circles for discussion at Southwood and full participation in ritual liturgies, the result was a remarkable close experience as if all were in the Conference Center themselves - and at a fraction of the cost.

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A follow-up team has been formed to continue the discussions in virtual council circles.  Rohr was in true remarkable form and the conference was delighted with his new book and church group study guide.  We await the publication of Crossan's remarkable scholarship that he shared regarding how the context of fish, fishing, fishermen in the Gospels is part of Jesus' non-violent resistance in the time of Herod.  Jacqui Lewis provided remarkable energy and freshness speaking from her context.  McKenzie brought many to tears sharing how her Jesus of the People portrait of Christ has become an icon since the turn of the millennium for The Universal Christ.  It still evokes vitriol and threats from some who call themselves, Christians.

Thanks to Regional Minister Paul Koch for this information and photos.