Disciples General Board Met February 11-13

A very spirited and hopeful gathering of Disciples leaders gathered on a digital platform over the weekend - a venue that kept delegates as connected as possible and provided new opportunities.  Representing Mid-America were our elected representative Paula Holliday, Jacque Foster (representing NBA), Beau Underwood (former 1st Vice-Moderator and Nominating Committee Chair), Mark Anderson (NBA President), Brad Lyons (Chalice Press Publisher) and Regional Minister Paul Koch.

Saturday morning was dedicated to hearing a preliminary Visioning Report by the Governance Committee.  They have been in great discernment and careful listening to thoughts on how our Wider Church might live into our third century of witness, responding to current needs and with greater stewardship and efficiency.  The delegates did several straw polls and each step had overwhelming initial support.  Mid-America pastors, lay leaders, and the Regional Board are encouraged to look for further surveys and offer input.

Nominations were received for general unit board members and we congratulate Rev. Michelle Scott-Huffman for being elected to the HELM (Higher Education and Leadership Ministries) board.  Paul Koch presented our Mid-America Regional Report to a small group that included the General Board Moderator, First Vice Moderator, two general unit presidents and two Disciples University presidents.  Each voiced great excitement on the ministries taking place in our region.

Worship and devotionals were all provided by Disciples chaplains deployed in various military, healthcare, correctional, and other settings.  This proved to be exceptionally powerful and full of the Holy Spirit.  We salute all chaplains who largely provide a quiet witness on the landscape of our church.

We all look forward to the planned in-person and hybrid General Assembly in Louisville, July 29 - Aug. 1, 2023.  Please hear General Minister and President Terri Hord Owens’ State of the Church Address, offer input to the Visioning Report, and see other news by subscribing to the Disciples News Service here.

Thank you to Regional Minister Rev. Dr. Paul Koch
for this summary of the recent General Board meeting.