Middle Grove Christian Church Closes

Middle Grove Christian Church was founded in 1842 in the growing frontier village on the famous London Trace stage line between Fayette and New London; an earlier Christian Church had opened in 1825.  Throughout the century, the village suffered many fires and storms, and highways bypassed this section on the edge of Monroe County, leaving the village quite small today. Middle Grove Christian Church has three incredibly active stalwart members remaining who decided to close out their remarkable ministry on November 20. Sixty-seven persons gathered for the bittersweet celebration.

Regional Minister Paul Koch preached, Rev. Larry Thomas of Madison and Holliday Christian Churches led prayers, and Kirby Gould of the Christian Church Foundation played Amazing Grace on the violin.  Kirby and Larry’s family had personal ties to Middle Grove.  Many people shared fond memories. Some were members who had moved away, some had been married there, and some had been baptized in the creek behind the church.  The church was especially known for being next to the Liberty Tree, a burr oak that was present during the nation’s transition to independence.  It was estimated to have taken root in 1666 and lived 320 years until 1986.

The trustees look to sell the church building and grounds that are adjacent to a historic cemetery.  Interested parties should contact Regional Minister Paul Koch at paul@ccmadisciples.org. They have designated proceeds to the Region to be used in creation of new congregations so their legacy will live on, however the majority will go to the cemetery fund for its perpetual care.

Thank you to Regional Minister Paul Koch for this story and photos.