What's New at FCC in Mexico

April was a busy month for the fine folks at First Christian Church in Mexico. Beyond the expected busyness of all the Easter planning, there were two other special services for them. On April 9th they partnered with the First Presbyterian church and celebrated Holy Humor Sunday. Holy Humor Sunday is a Sunday that celebrates God’s glorious laugh, as evil is truly defeated through the resurrection. The service had funny songs, jokes, and was topped off by having the other pastor show up during the service to co-preach (this was possible since the Presbyterian Church meets at 9 am and First Christian meets at 10:30). Both Dr. Rev, Susan Presely and Pastor Zane Whorton had a great time and the churches loved it!

Then on April 30th, FCC Mexico kicked off their official 5th Sunday “Brunch” Church in their fellowship hall. The congregation all brought potluck brunch items. There was a Welcome Time, Prayer Time, Opening Hymn and then everyone got their food and came back to the table for fun table talk discussions, a film to watch and review, and an interactive sermon where tables were asked a question to reflect on the scripture reading for the day. The theme was “April Showers Bring May Flowers.” Pastor Zane Whorton used this theme to talk about themes of grief and hope.

FCC Mexico will be doing an event like this every month that has a 5th Sunday.

Thanks to Pastor Zane Whorton for this information and photos.