FCC of Burlington Junction Serves the Lord Inside and Outside the Walls!

This small congregation in Northwest Missouri has been reaching out beyond the walls of their church building for quite some time. This movement has had a great impact on the community.

Several years ago the congregation began designating a couple Sunday’s a year to cleaning up the community. They have adopted a portion of US Highway 136, which runs right through the middle of town, to keep the trash picked up in the community. In addition they plant flowers in planter boxes on Main Street, and clean up the park. A group also remains at the church to assist visitors in knowing what is being done and pack different types of gift bags of hygiene products to be donated to various groups from nursing homes, community food pantries, to local high school students. 

Although I am not quite sure how this particular act of service got started, I imagine that a congregation member stood up in church and said something like, “Hey, I have an idea!” That’s the way this group of amazing people operate. In the almost three years I have been serving this church I have seen this happen several times.

  • “Hey, let’s serve Thanksgiving Dinner to anyone who has no place to go. ON THANKSGIVING DAY!
  • Hey, let’s adopt the school and start a homework club and mentoring program!
  • Hey, let’s start a youth group for grade 3 and up!
  • Hey, let’s open up a food pantry! “

All these things have been answered with a rousing sure let’s do it! And they have done them all!

Here are some photos of just a few of the outreach projects being done!

We are blessed over and over again by the outreach we provide. The joy of watching the congregation serve, the look of gratitude on the faces of the community members we serve, increased attendance in church, but mostly the joy of serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are alive through Him and for Him; for it is in Christ that we live and move and breathe and have our very existence.

Story and photos by Pastor Terry Robison.
Visit them on Facebook.
Watch the video of their history, prepared for their 125th anniversary.