Rev. Barbara Gulick's Retirement Celebration

Millersburg Christian Church bid a fond farewell to Rev. Barbara Gulick who retired as their pastor on July 31, 2016.  A moving "last service" began with her baptizing three adults! Tributes for Barbara and her husband Rev. John Gulick started the evening before with a concert sing-along with the Millersburg Gloryland Band featuring Rev. Larry Brown, Patty Eggleston, Jeff & Barbara Moran, followed by steak and chicken supper, and concluding with fireworks provided by the Millersburg Christian Church community preschool.

Barbara is a commissioned minister who was installed at Millersburg CC on Dec. 7, 2008.  Rev. Dr. Paul Koch, Regional Minister team was present for both days and was happy to represent the wider church by presenting her the Honored Minister Pin.  Revs. Larry Veatch and John Bennett shared their blessings as well.  Brenda Rose, church council president created a moving liturgy for Barbara and the congregation with powerful words and symbols of "letting go."  We wish the congregation all the best as they move forward in their search for a transitional minister.

Story courtesy of Paul Koch.